Have you ever been ‘sold’ to? You thought you were meeting up for with a Financial Planner and in less than 30 minutes, the person across you proposes insurance or takaful ‘investment’ plan and camouflage it as ‘financial planning’?

I think my work these days is all about damage control, to rectify and explain what financial planning is truly about. Read my earlier article on this.

For those who are not familiar with financial planning, it’s called planning first, gathering all of your information to create the big picture of your finances, before you move forward to execute.

Execution – example, like which investment is the best for you to bridge you with your future goals, writing a will / wasiat, are to be done only after planning is completed.

You don’t shop for bricks for your house without engaging an architect to create the master plan first, right? The concept is similar. We plan first before we decide what type of furnitures and fittings to shop for.

Check out this video.

Let’s have a chat via our discovery call today.

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