HRD Corp Registered Training Provider

Financial literacy is a result of being intentional.

Are you intentional?

HRD Corp Registered Training Provider
HRD Corp Registered Training Provider

Empowering you with financial literacy so that you could make the uncertain, certain.

As featured on

Our Financial Literacy Solutions

Women & Wealth Workshop

What is Women & Wealth Workshop?

Our ‘Women & Wealth Workshop’ is a programme designed to offer a safe and secure environment for learning essential skills and strategies to effectively manage your finances, investments, and wealth. Our goal is to empower you with financial literacy, enabling you to gain the confidence needed to make informed financial decisions that align with your objectives.


HRD Corp Registered Training Provider

How can you nurture financial wellness in your organisation?

Is it fair that an individual like you works hard to earn a good income, but fails to manage it properly just because you don’t have the time and literacy?

As a HRD Corp Registered Training Provider, we offer face-to-face training HRD Corp claimable courses. 

What’s in it for you; the employer?

Never underestimate the impact that you could create. This little effort of introducing financial literacy to your workforce and organisation can generate higher return on investment.

HRD Corp Registered Training Provider

Corporate Speaker

Looking for a creative way to boost employees’ engagement?

We can customise and design a short lunch or tea talk that runs between 1 hour to 1.5 hours, including a session for Q&A, where we’ll talk about financial literacy. This can be done virtually or face to face.

What’s in it for you; the employer?

This short engagement session will help employers to support your team members with financial literacy. Recession is already here, and we ought to do our part to empower our people. 

Corporate Speaker

Start-up Business Financial Planning

Understanding the crucial start-up phase.

Business owners need to be financially literate so that all costs can be kept lean, while at the same time giving you the opportunity to carry out your ideas and test which one should be enhanced and removed.

Start-up business financial planning & coaching.

Our start-up business financial planning and coaching help start-up founders to build a solid financial foundation. When your finances and bookkeeping are in order, it allows you as the founders to channel your full attention onto sales and marketing.

The conversation on finances will no longer be intimidating because you already have clarity and financial literacy.


Prefer to self-manage your finances? Learn at your own pace via our personal finance course.

We believe that everyone should have access to financial literacy. Our personal finance course is for you to keep forever, through one-off purchase.


Are you looking for KOL, Influencer, Guest Writer, Guest Speaker for your brand or your client’s?

We have done the following collaborations in the past with Majalah Labur, The Donna, AKPK, Hello Gold, ASNB, Microsoft, Girls in Tech, SUKE TV, BFM 89.9,  and many more. 

Brand Collaboration

Join Our Financial Literacy Workshop

Our signature programme, Women & Wealth Workshop is a safe and secure environment for women like you to talk about money. Our programme is exclusively for professional women, female entrepreneurs, single mothers, and homemakers. During this workshop, we will build your money strategy, here to the hereafter. We completely avoid financial jargons and inject alot of humour to make the dry topics fun! Don't feel intimidated.. because just like you, we are a women-led team too. Our programmes are made by us women, for women like you.

Clients’ Testimonials

Hear What Our Students Are Saying About Our
Financial Literacy Training & Workshop!

Check Out Our Financial Literacy Articles & Videos

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I really need a Financial Planner?

    If you’re the type who could self-learn, check out our DIY personal finance course. If you are like most of our clients who face financial obstacles or concerns that financial articles and videos cannot solve, that’s where having us will work towards your advantage as we are a subject matter expert to matters like debt management, investing, risk management, business succession planning, estate planning and more.

  • How do I get my organisation to register for any of your HRD Corp Claimable Courses?

    Connect with us by leaving your details here, and our team will reach out to you on the next working day. Before we proceed with the paperwork, we’d love to connect and understand your vision.

  • What financial literacy programmes do you offer under HRD Corp?

    You can have a look at all available HRD Corp Claimable Courses here.

  • Do you provide virtual financial literacy training and workshops?

    Yes, we do. Based on our experience, face-to-face is still the best. Having said that, we do know some organisations find it hard to gather your team members at the same spot on the same day. Hence why, we also provide virtual financial literacy training and workshops.

    💬 Join our Telegram community ( to be the first to know about our upcoming sessions!

  • How can I get you to speak at my organisation for a 1 to 1.5 hours talk, without pursuing any HRD Corp Claimable Courses?

    HRD Corp Claimable Courses: This is usually the preferred route of our corporate clients. Like you, they prefer to ‘test’ us out first to see if we vibe the same way and if the energy with your team and ours are aligned. Leave your details here, and our team will contact you on the next working day.

  • Can you customise a financial literacy programme that addresses our specific needs?

    Yes, of course! That’s how we started. Leave your details here, and our team will contact you on the next working day.

  • I am from an advertising and marketing agency. We are looking for a financial literacy influencer to work with our clients. How do we know if you’re the one for us?

    Check out our brand collaboration work here. We have worked with names like AKPK, Hello Gold, Majalah Labur, The Donna and more. We do have our minimum requirements, for example, the brands that we work with have to be viewed as Shariah compliant.

  • I am a full time employee with a side hustle. My dream is to quit my job and turn my side hustle into a full time business. How can you help me?

    Entrepreneurship is in our DNA. Like you, we were once part of the corporate world. We understand the preparation needed before leaving and the foundations to set before finally taking the leap.

    Starting a business isn’t easy—but it’s not impossible either! Join our Women & Wealth Workshop, where we help you uncover what lies ahead financially, so you can make informed decisions before taking the leap.

  • I am all about women empowerment and I like what you do. Is there an opportunity for us to collaborate?

    Yes! We are all about women empowerment too. Majority of our individual clients are female, so we truly understand you and the unspoken things that go on in your mind and heart.

    Leave your details here, and our team will contact you on the next working day.

Looking for something else? Contact us now.