Are You on The Right Career Path?

Are You on The Right Career Path?

As our lives unfold, we face unique challenges and opportunities to build our careers and reach the top of the mountain. From the energetic hustle era in our youth to the years of retirement, we create a timeline of ambition, financial goals and long-term security. Are you on the right career path? Let’s create a hypothetical timeline of careers.

Starting as a fresh graduate, aiming for career stability and income, and planning for retirement in your 60s is a common life plan. But while you can make plans, your future is ultimately decided by Allah. You never truly know what’s coming.

Sometimes, you might face unexpected challenges that disrupt your plans. For example, you might lose your job without warning or experience the sudden death of a spouse with no preparation. What then? You might be asking again, are you on the right career path? These situations have been shared by our students, who found themselves back at square one, unsure of what to do next.

Your dreams of enjoying travel, leisure, and a comfortable lifestyle without financial strain can feel impossible when your career and financial plans come to a standstill. Unforeseen events can turn your well-laid plans upside down, leaving you feeling overwhelmed. 

So, are you on the right career path?

If you find yourself stuck and unsure of the next steps, you are more than welcomed to join our Women & Wealth Workshop happening on Saturday, 7 Sept at Shah Alam Convention Centre. This is your opportunity to learn practical strategies, regain control over your finances, and build a secure future. Register now at to reclaim your financial power.

You may also read more on this chapter to gain insights on the journey of your career and financial journey in our eBook for FREE. Click here to get yours


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